01 September, 2006


I do live. Just a note for those of you wondering why I have been so quiet.

I am working on writing a review and having a hard time wrapping my head around it, and working on reading another review book.

Plus I picked up a copy of a small press printed book off the leave a book, take a book shelf at the local coffee house and want to write a review of it as well. Since it seems to be a book that could use some exposure.

I think the biggest thing keeping me from concentrating very hard is the construction they are doing at the intersection right by our building. It is noisy, and they have guys working 24 hours so not much sleep had been getting had as our windows channel in their generator noises and the big Cla-Clank noise that happens after every car that drives over the inch thick steel plate covering a hole right where cars turn off or onto our street.


  1. Know what's gonna suck? As soon as they're done and you think that you'll be able to sleep... you'll miss that clanking noise.

    Hang in there. I've been through this. Maybe the worst was the all-night paving!

  2. I completely understand how you feel. August was just impossible for me. It took me forever to get anything done.

    I hope the construction finishes soon so you can get back into the swing of things!
