07 January, 2007

book lust part I

So, over the holidays I was gifted with a couple of gift cards for Borders books by my aunt. And do you know what? I'm a bit at a loss as to what I should buy with them.

I know that I want to pick up a copy of Children of Men by P.D. James . We just saw the film adaptation last week (which is probably the best film I've seen in 2006), and as I love stories in that style, I'm interested in checking out the book.

I'm also eyeing the Bartimaeus Trillogy books by Jonathan Stroud.

The Amulet of Samarkand
The Golem's Eye
Ptolamy's Gate

Or maybe something by Garth Nix, or Charles DeLint to finish series collections...

hmmm, maybe I do have an idea for what to get.

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