02 March, 2007

Debut a Debut wrap up.

When Susan over at the West of Mars blog anounced the winners of the Debut a Debut contest last week I was informed that I had won an audio copy of Every Secret Thing by Lila Shaara.

it's been a bit hectic here since I got the e-mail informing me of the win. So, I had filed it to the back of my brain as "Coool, I won something!" (I should test this contest luck I seem to have gained over the past few years and go and buy some lotto tickets). So, today when I pulled in the mail, I opened up an envelope to find a beatiful (but slightly squished) audiobook. I then actaully thought about Susan's email and realized I had seen that last name before. Checking out the author blurb on the back, I find that yes it is a very familiar name. Lila Shaara is the daughter of Michael Shaara and sister to Jeff Shaara. Both of whose books I've devored several times and have copies on my bookshelves gifted to me by my father when I was in high school.

I'm really exited about this one.

We have several audio books in the queu right now, and tend to listen more during long car trips so it might be a little bit before I can listen to this one.

But y'all can be sure I'll post a review of it when I finish it :)

Another cool thing I discovered today is that Neil Gaiman's Stardust has been made into a film, and according to his blog will have a US release date right around my birthday in August of this year.

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