23 March, 2007

Spring Reading Challange

Katrina over at Callapidder Daysis hosting the Spring Reading Challange. Books I plan on reading this spring for the spring reading challange:

1. Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey
2. Kushiel's Chosen by Jacqueline Carey
3. Kushiel's Avatar by Jacqueline Carey
4. Kushiel's Scion by Jacqueline Carey
5. Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing by Frederick Franck
6. Rhaeva By Linda Moore
7. Night of the wolf by Alice Bordchardt
8. Tom O Bedlam by Robert Silverberg
9. In the Forest at Midnight by Rita Pratt Smith
10. Good Benito by Alan Lightman
11. Geography of a Heart by Fenton Johnson
12. Hotspur by Rita Mae Brown
13. Witchblood by Will Shetterly
14. Slow Fall to Dawn by Stephan Leigh
15. The Year of the Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker
16. Riders of the Sidhe by Kenneth Flint
17. The R Master by Gordon Dickson
18. The Forest People by Colin M. Turnbull
19. Milk Glass Moon by Adriana Trigiani
20. Eat Cake by Jeanne Ray

This is a good starting list, as I don't know how many review books I'll have to slip in the way between now and the end of June. As you can see, I'm planning on tackling a big series that I've had on my I need to read this list for awhile now. the others are books on my TBR pile gotten through bookcrossing and the old book relay site.


  1. I've signed up too! My List.

  2. Can't wait to see what you think of the Kushiel's series, Nim. Be sure you tell me!!! I'd love to discuss it when you're done.

  3. Great list, Happy Reading! =)

  4. Just stopping by to thank you for joining the Spring Reading Thing! Enjoy those books!

  5. Susan: I finished the first Kushiel book yesterday, and wow... I'm jonesing for the second one now. Unfortunately the small library branch is closed until Tuesday. Elengil grabbed it, and is reading it now =)

    Katrina: Thanks for running the Spring Reading Thing. It's a great excuse to tackle some books.

    Caligula & Rea: Good luck with your own spring reading.

  6. I'm impressed with how quickly you're going through your list. I've finished 3 of my 13.

  7. Caligula: I was using the challange to only read from the pile of listed books with library trips to get the books in the kushiel series. We were in the car on the road alot so I was able to breeze through some of them really quickly...

    Although I now have four non-fictions to read and write reviews on, so I'm not too sure when I will get a chance to tackle the two remaining books (and the few more older bookxing TBR's I've found hiding in the storage that I have easy acess to.

  8. I'm up to 4 now. I could have had more read by now but I've been reading stuff just for fun too. It's the first time in a couple of years where I've been caught up with book rings and rays and have had the luxury to read things other than what I've signed up to read.

  9. Hey Susan,

    There is a new Kushiel Book coming out. Kushiel's Justice which deals more with Imrial's story

    Book info
