21 June, 2007

Book Give Away: Through the Eyes of a Survivor

So, as the publishers of Through the Eyes of a Survivor were so kind as to send me two copies of this book. I have an Advanced Reader's Copy of the book to pass on.

I will be closing this on 15 July 2007. If you are interested in trying to win, leave a comment, and I will add your name to the drawing.

Feel free to pass on the information about this book give away to anyone that you think will be interested.

I'm doing this drawing during the time frame that I am with the hope that this will lead up to some exitement about the Hidden Treasures reading contest. This book is one of the treasures that I have stumbled across during the past year.

Click the title link to see my review of the book.

26 June 2007 - Thanks to a generous offer, this copy will be signed by both the Author and Nina, the survivor whose story is told in the book
28 June 2007 - The book is on it's way to the author for signing! Travel quickly and safely little book!


  1. I added this to my wishlist as soon as I read your review so please enter me in your contest. Thanks

  2. I believe that these stories of the survivors are important to read and understand. I'd love to read this book...please add me to your drawing.

    resqgeek AT livejournal.com

  3. Hey, here via the LJ comm bookcrossing. The book sounds interesting, count me in!

    aka Laura

  4. I've added everyone who's commented to the drawing bowl :)

    ResQgeek: it is an important part of history. I added the copy that I read to the local OBCZ and it got picked up extremely quickly, I hope the finder enjoys it as much as I did.

  5. Your review was wonderful. Please add me to your drawing for this book. :) Thanks Nim.

  6. Hello to everyone who has responded,
    I spoke to Nina Morecki, the subject of this book and very much alive Holocaust survivor. She was elated to learn of your comments and enthusiasm concerning our work. You have no idea how much this lifts her spirits, particularly since she has been recouperating from a recent fall. My 87 year-old friend wanted me to personally thank you all for your interest in her story, and, if it is acceptable proceedure for the "Confessions" staff, both Nina and I would both be willing to sign the winner's copy.
    I will continue to keep track of this site, and may I urge you all to learn as much as you can about this very important part of world history.
    With much love,
    Colette Waddell
    Author - "Through the Eyes of a Survivor"

  7. Colette, thank you for your most generous offer. Please feel free to drop me a line at nimrodiel (at) gmail (dot) com to iron out the details needed accept it.

  8. Sounds like a great read. Please add my name to your draw. Also, I've announced the draw on my blog (http://frommybottomstep.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/bookcrossing-release-20070628/). Thanks for doing this.

  9. fowgre: Thanks for spreading the word on the drawing :)

  10. Please add me to your drawing, this sounds like the kind of book everyone should read. :)

    (sarradee on bookcrossing and bookobsessed)

  11. sounds like a good book to broaden my reading! please add me in

    alex (bc anwyn)

  12. Your review made me want more. Consider me in.
