27 June, 2007

Summer Reading Program for Adults.

As a kid, one of my most favorite parts of the summer break was registering for the summer reading program at the local public library. It was a sweet treat to spend an afternoon picking out a pile of books for the two week lending period - usually read through in less than a week of getting them- and the next time we went back to the Library, getting to write down the titles and work my way towards a prize of a new book.

Every summer when the Evanston Public Library announces their summer reading program, and I see the kids scrambling to fill out their participation cards I get nostalgic, and wish that there was a summer reading program for adults...

Well, the Chicago Public Library system announced this year's summer reading program. The City of Big Readers. It has in addition to the kids program, an adult version as well. With the prize of a CPL travel mug for the first two books submitted. (definatly not as fun as the kids program - but a travel mug is way too useful a thing to not have)

But what got me was the amounts of tied in programs being offered as this is in conjunction with the Chicago History Museum - a great place to visit if you are from out of town.

Makes me wish I still had a CPL library card. But I'll just work on my reading list myself and wish the lucky Chicago participants a fun time reading this summer!

Plus maybe I'll check out some of the literature related city tours if the weather doesn't get horribly drainingly hot and muggy. Chicago is right next door to Evanston after all, and the Museum is just a train ride away. :)

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