19 August, 2008

Book Giveaway: True Detective by James A. Huebner

I've come to the realization that my books to be passed on box is getting very full, so in order to help along some cleaning and organizing of said box (as it houses my bookcrossing available books as well), I am going to do a drawing for my trade paperback copy of True Detective by James A. Huebner. The review was posted yesterday, and can be read here.

This copy is a trade paperback, the corners did get a tiny bit dinged up in mailing and then when riding in my bag for reading oppurtunities on the bus and in waiting rooms. It is autographed by the author. It has also been registered at bookcrossing (as I do to all the review books I pass along). The winner is not expected to use the bookcrossing info, though I would love to see a response to the book after it gets read. Mostly because I'm nosy, and like hearing what others think of the books I share.

There are a couple rules for this drawing as I had an interesting amount of anonymouse entries on the last one.

1. Leave a comment on this post, with contact info. Either a blog link, or an email. I need a way to contact the winner.
2. To get an extra entry for the drawing, post about the contest in your blog, and send me a link to the post (either here or via e-mail is fine)
3. I will contact the winner, and if I do not hear back in 5 days I will pick a second name.
4. This contest is open worldwide.

I will accept entries for the drawing until 10 pm. on September 10, 2008 and will post the winner on September 11, 2008 (fitting given the subject matter and setting of the book).

I've got a few more give aways coming up in the next few months so come back and visit the blog again :)


  1. No need to enter me. I'm just letting you know I listed this over at Win a Book.

  2. I would love a chance to win this book. Read your review the other day and immediately added it the my wishlist

    Dana (AceofHearts)

  3. This looks like such a great book. Your review made it sound good.

  4. I would like to try this book out!

    faked_sugartone at hotmail.com

  5. Haven't heard of the book or author, but this is as good a place to start as any!


  6. Thanks for the giveaway!! areallibrarian[at]gmail[dot]com

  7. You had me at suspense! That is all I needed to read. Please enter me in your delightful book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  8. Thanks for the give-away ;-)

    Please enter me, you can find me at bookcrossing as hippolein ...

  9. I think I'd enjoy this novel, please enter me. And thank you for making this giveaway international.

    My email address is on the front page of my book blog here:


  10. Left a Pm but posting here too. address is on RABCK.com - tiatia

  11. Sounds like a great book.

