18 September, 2008

Book Giveaway: Immortals: The Crossing by Joy Nash

Well, It's my turn to host the book giveaway for author Joy Nash's 50 books in 50 days giveaway. I have to admit, that I haven't had a chance to read the book yet, as life has gotten in the way of my tackling the to be read mountain, but it looks like it will be worth waiting for.

Here are the contest rules:
1. The drawing is open worldwide
2. You must leave a comment on this post with a reason why you would like to read this book.
3. Your comment must have a way to contact you, it can be email, blog info, or for those of you who wandered here from bookcrossing, a bookcrossing member name.
4. I will announce the winner on September 25th (and will stop accepting entries on the 24th).
5. You can get a second chance in the drawing by letting your own blog readers know about my giveaway. Just share a link to your promotion :)


Joy Nash
Urban Fantasy Romance
Dorchester Love Spell
Release: September 30, 2008

ISBN 10 0-505-52767-7
ISBN 13 978-0-505-52767-7

Author's website
Immortals-series website
Immortals Myspace
Immortals on Dorchester website

Contact Joy:


USA Today Bestselling Author Joy Nash returns with another installment in Dorchester Publishing's Nationally Bestselling multi-author series, IMMORTALS.

Demigod ManannĂ¡n mac Lir (Mac) is on the trail of Artemis Black, a stunningly dangerous woman who's inexplicably able to intertwine life magic with death magic. For the safety of his people, he should destroy the desperate witch—once he learns her darkest secrets.

Readers of paranormal romance and urban fantasy will enjoy this adventure filled with black magic, nasty demons, hot immortals, dark humor, steamy sex, and a heart-thumping descent into a modern version of Dante's Hell. Available September 30. 2008.


  1. I love to read paranormals and the blurb on this book was really intriguing. I would love to be introduced into the world of the Immortals through this book.
    Email: tamsyn5@yahoo.com

  2. This book sounds like it would be a fun read, and would go perfect with my newfound love of paranormals... thanks to the bookobsessed paranormal vbb, LOL.

    Anyway, This is a great contest!

  3. The series looks Excellent! And I love how the 3 authors worked together to create such an imaginative world. Thanks for sharing!


  4. This is such a great series I am very excited to read this next one in the series. :-)


    lrwirum at cox dot net

  5. Paranormals are my favorite genre right now and I've read other Joy Nash's books and really enjoyed them.

  6. I've read the previous books in this series, and have enjoyed them all very much. Can't wait to read Mac's story.


  7. Yes, once again it is I. I'm hoping this time Lady Luck will shine her favor on me.

    Why I want to read this book? Other than I absolutely ADORE this series, that I was estatic to hear that Nash, Pop, and Ashley were going to do more books to the series, and that I just finished Redeeming earlier this month, not to mention that Nash wrote Mac's story (So I have a weakness for celtic things!)

    I've been recommending this books to just about anyone that would listen to me, heck I've even let the friend I'm staying with, borrow mine to read!

    Blogged again for people to know about this contest.


    Raonaid (at) gmail . com

  8. No need to enter me. I'm just letting you know I've got this posted over at Win a Book.

  9. I have the previous books and am naturally very interested in getting the next one.

    I LOVE paranormals and these are some of the BEST!!!


  10. I would like to read this book because paranormal genre is my favorite. Thank you, Bethann Miller

  11. This is my favorite genre to read and I've been following the tour from the beginning! tWarner419@aol.com

  12. I would love a chance to win this book. It sounds like a great addition to the other ones she had written. Nash has a way with characters that make them very intriguing and add to an already awesome setting. So, why would I like to read this book? Because it seems like a book I could read and not put down...thanks for the giveaway!!!

    angelleslament @ gmail.com

  13. I so love this series and I am so desperate to try and win a book. Lol

  14. I would like to read this book, mainly because I haven't read anything by her before and considering all the hype surrounding the book, it has my interest. Also, I surfed quite a bit of her blog the other day and was surprised there are so many books I haven't read by her.

  15. I loved the other Immortal books so I'm anxious to read this newest installment! Paranormal books are my favorite of course but I've read other Joy Nash books and she is one awesome author.
    Oh and by the way, I did post on my blog about your giveaway: http://ladyvampire2u.blogspot.com/2008/09/confessions-of-literary-persuasion-joy.html

  16. I just finished IMMORTALS: THE REDEEMING by Jennifer Ashley and enjoyed it immensely. I plan to read all four in this series and then go back and read the first four. I've never read anything by Joy so I'd love to win her book as I'd like one book signed by the author for my collection. Thanks.

    Mel K.
    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  17. Hello! I enjoy reading Celtic setting books. The paranormal aspect also intrigues me! Of course, I want to read the book and see if the Immortals can keep the balance in check. The relationship between Mac and Artemis Black sounds quite fascinating. Please include me in your book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
