17 December, 2008

Book Review: Signature by Ron Sanders

Read & Reviewed for Front Street Reviews

On the celebratory night of New Years Eve, four colleagues- academics all – welcome in the new year of 1346. Their leader Titus Mack has invited them to his home in the observatory outside of the outskirts in unprotected land with an arm of the colony coming up from the depths nearby.

Titus, begins to show and tell the trio of academics about the information that he has researched with the help of his advanced computing program Solomon over the past year since any of them had seen him last. His revelations show them a past history that has been erased from the history books, that the actual date is 2509 rather than 1346. He starts to show them why their world is strongly atheist with little religion at all. During his lecture, the perimeter of the Observatory is breeched my members of the colony, and the men are abducted and taken down into the depths of the underground colony.

The men find themselves in a strange world where nothing is what they know. Religion leads these people. In the years that they have been shuttered underground it has evolved into a society ruled by rituals and rules like nothing the four men have encountered before. The men are taken to meet the judgment of Mama and the ‘Postle, and nothing they do will let them escape this fate that has been handed to them.

I had a little bit of a hard time getting into this book. I found the first twenty or so pages slow reading. However I am glad that I pushed past and kept reading. Signature is an intellectual thrill ride that makes you think. It explores topics like what would happen if religion was segregated from the everyday world, and what would the world be like if its history was erased and restarted. This book was short, but really made me think while I was reading it. While I can see it not being something that everyone would enjoy, I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I originally thought that I would.

I enjoyed this book so much that I have two paperback copies to pass along to readers.

Both are autographed by the author, one is slightly worn from being toted along in my bag on the bus to school and work.

Both have been registered at Bookcrossing.

Leave a comment with a way to contact you, and why you would like to read the book.

I'm leaving this open until the 31st of December, and will announce the winner on January 1 or 2nd.


  1. I've posted this on Win a Book. No need to enter the contest.

  2. Anothe book on Academia? It sure interests me!

    Do enter me, please!


  3. It looks great. The idea that history was restarted in a way by changing the date and erasing part of history sounds very interesting. I would love a chance to win this. Thanks

  4. I like a book that makes you think. I would enjoy reading this.

  5. As a former history major and history teacher, I always love books that turn history on the head. I haven't read that much sci-fi, so I would very much enjoy exploring this book since it does also involve my passion for history. And plus, it seems a bit dystopia in a way and I LOVE those kinds of books.


  6. Religion is always a questionable subject, but to be completely ruled by religion is interesting.....

    ttt1612 AT yahoo DOT com

  7. I love it when someone loves a book so much they buy copies for other's!
    Another new author for me, and would love to check this out especially the religion aspect!
    Thanks so much
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  8. wow sounds like a good book! would love to win! The topic of religion is always interesting


  9. So please I found your thread at bookcrossing.

    I'd love to read this book.

    turn the page,


  10. I'd be interested. =) Kiri on BO/BX
