12 February, 2009

Book Giveaway: Five books for new homes!

I don't keep a lot of the books that I review. If a book really strikes my fancy, I'll shelve it in the pc, or buy a copy when the book comes out and pass along the ARC/review copy I read. I've done this for maybe ten books in the last four years. I usually prefer to share them with other readers. Most get labeled with bookcrossing labels and stuck in the bin of books to pass along. That poor bin holds books I plan on wild releasing in the future - Like some coffee table art books I plan on leaving in/around the Art Institute of Chicago at some point in the near future. As well as book I plan on passing along to other book reading friends.

My bin has gotten a bit packed recently, and as I am in the process of trying to get my to be read pile down in size (not an easy thing when there is a huge Borders and several really nice used book stores close to both my work, and home). I'm trying to pass along the older read books so I have room for the newer read books in the bin. I'm thinking of checking with a local hostel to see if they would take some book donations for their entertainment area, but I would love to pass on a few of the books I've reviewed here to someone who wants to read them.

To enter, leave a comment telling me which title you are interested in reading, and a way to contact you (can be an e-mail address, or a bookcrossing member name). I'll do a drawing on books that have multiple people interested in them and send them out to their new homes.

All of the books will be registered on bookcrossing.com, and while I would love to see what you think of the book when you read it, you are not obligated to visit the site, or to pass the book on when you finish it. If you end up loving it so much you want to keep it forever, feel free to do so!

The books are a mix of ARC's and regular published titles. All have been gently read, some show more wear than others as not all started their lives with me in pristine unread condition.

Here's the books I'm going to pass along. Click on the title, and it will take you to the review I wrote, or a bookcrossing page for the book.

1. Inward to the Bones: Georgia O'Keefe's Journey with Emily Carr by Kate Braid
2. Near Death in the Arctic by Cecil Kuhne
3. Rusty Son of Tall Elk by Charles H. Bertram
4. The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke
5. The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin

I'll close the acceptance of comments on the 26th, and will draw names and let folks know who gets which book by the 28th of February.


  1. Hi, I am new to your blog. I will have to check in more often!
    I would love to enter your contest!
    They all look like great books (a few I have heard of)but the one that really looks good to me is "Near Death in the Arctic"

    forevereading at gmail dot com

  2. A very flip and hopefully fun post has been made at Win a Book for this. Thanks for the e-mail; I was going to drop you a note today to ask if you wanted me to post this. You made life easier for me, and I'm appreciative of that.

  3. Hi nimrodiel! I'd love to win The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. Please enter me! And thank you for the giveaway.

    dreyshouse at gmail dot com

  4. Susan,

    Thanks for the great plug over on Win a Book. It seriously made me giggle, as I think I still might have a book or two that went through your hands first someplace in the tbr pile.

  5. I'd like to read:
    Rusty Son of Tall Elk by Charles H. Bertram
    The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke
    The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin

  6. Hi there! I'd love to be entered. The Courtier's Secret sounds wonderful. Thank you.

    mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

  7. Hey! I found your contest at Win a Book... I'd love to have a copy of The Thief Lord.

  8. They all sound great but I'd choose The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin .
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. I would love to try The Thief Lord because I wasn't overly dazzled by Inkheart. Thanks for doing this!!!

    aerinblogs AT aol DOT com

  10. I'd love to read the Courtier's Secret. I hadn't heard about it until I ran across your blog. Thanks! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

  11. The Thief Lord sounds awesome. Thanks for the giveaway:)


  12. I would love to read The Courtier's Secret, please enter me! Thanks! =)

  13. Great giveaway! Thanks Nimrodiel :)
    I'd love to read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  14. Hey! I'd love to win The Thief Lord. I've been wanting to read it.

  15. I would LOVE to win The Courtier's Secret by Donna Russo Morin.


  16. I picked Near Death in the Arctic

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  17. I love Cornelia Funke so I'd have to go with The Thief Lord.


  18. The Thief Lord would be my pick..

    graywolf2037 at yahoo dot com

  19. Please enter me. The Courtier's Secret sounds great and I would love a chance to win it.

  20. I would love to win The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke! Thank you for the chance.


  21. Hi Nim! *waves* I think the Courtier's Secret sounds wonderful, please sign me up for that one! I think you know how to find me! ;)

    Thank you for a very generous giveaway! -- Shaunie

  22. I would love to read "The Theif Lord" and "The Courtier's Secret".
    Thanks so much for passing these on to us!
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  23. I would love to read "The COurtier's Secret"! Thanks!

    sounders68 [at] gmail.com

  24. I'd like to enter for The Thief Lord, please, as I have heard lots of good criticism on it. Thank you for your offer!

    email: madnad79 at gmail dot com

  25. The Arctic, the Arctic, the one about the Arctic! Could I enter for this book, please? I've read a lot about both the Arctic and Antarctica, as I've always wanted to go there...never got any further than Svalbard, although that was a pretty neat experience already!

    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Cheers, Franaloe

  26. I would love to be entered for "The Thief Lord" - Thank you! :-)

    ladyufshalott at yahoo.com

  27. Please enter me for The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin I would love to read this book

    bookcrossing id kathleen24

  28. I would love to try for "The Courtier's Secret."

    Thanks, my BO name is supertalya

  29. I would love to read Rusty Son of Tall Elk. It is set in an time period that I love and it sounds intriguing.

    Thanks so much!

    dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com

  30. I would like to enter for the theif lord or any of the others. :D

  31. sounds wonderful thanks for the generous giveaway

  32. Love to have any of these three:

    Rusty Son of Tall Elk by Charles H. Bertram

    The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

    The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin



  33. I would like to enter for "The Courtier’s Secret" - thanks for the chance to win. asthenight at gmail dot com

  34. I'd like to read the Courtier's Secret. Thanks for the giveaway

  35. I've added everyone who has left a comment here, plus Kayjay33 who accidentally left a comment on the review page for the book she is interested in.

    Mindy, do you want to be included in the drawing for any of the titles? You left no title info, just the thanks.

    The names will be picked tomorrow afternoon and announce Saturday. Good luck to everyone.

    It's sad no one wants the poem book. I thought for sure there would be some poetry fans out there besides myself.

  36. Looks like I am late for the giveaway. I would have said I would want The Courtier's Secret By Donna Russo Morin, but if no one wants the poem book, I would take it.

  37. Guru - I'm taking submissions until midnight! So I'll add your name to the drawing for both titles!

  38. "Inward to the Bones" sounds very interesting and I'd like to enter for this. I can be reached through bookcrossing as MrBaggins1 and my address is on RABCK.com


  39. sorry MrBaggins, the draw ended. Winners were picked and announced Here better luck next time :)
