26 May, 2011

Welcome to Bordertown

So I'm anxiously awaiting a book I pre-ordered. It's official release date was Tuesday 5/24/2011. If I had waited and bought it at a store I could be reading it right now. But since I picked up two books which I haven't found copies of at the local new book mega store (The several Barnes & Noble's near me have a varying selection when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy), so now I'm looking at the tracking number hoping my books get here tomorrow rather than Saturday.

The book in question? Welcome to Bordertown Edited by Ellen Kusner and Holly Black

I haven't been this exited about a new release in a looong time. You see, when I was pre-teen I stumbled across the original Borderland book. It was a beat up paperback sitting in the fantasy rack. I was drawn to it because of the cover, and the back blurb made me wonder what it had to share. I found an amazing colaberation of short stories set in a shared universe. The premise: The elflands have returned and people (mostly teens) are flocking to see the magic themselves. The stories take place in and around Bordertown, the town that has sprung up on the border between the human and elven realms.

This battered book was my introduction to urban fantasy. I fell in love with the setting and borrowed the three Borderland books frequently from the library. When Borderland and Bordertown were reprinted in the mid 90's I bought copies (which are sadly in storage so I haven't been able to reread the stories while I wait) The bands that were suggested as music that would find it's home in Bordertown were in fact many of the bads I had been introduced to through my father. Bands such as Cat's Laughing, Dead Can Dance, Boiled in Lead. Bands I still listen to regularly.

Here's hoping my books get here tomorrow. fingers are crossed...

Interested in learning more about the series? Visit http://bordertownseries.com/ and explore the site.

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