01 May, 2012

Books read in April 2012

Print Books:

1.) Zel by Donna Joe Napoli
2.) Sky Burial by Xinran
3.) Food Ethics edited by Paul Pojman
4.) Fire by Sebastian Junger
5.) Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
6.) The Noonday Friends by Mary Stolz
7.) Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology by Alexis Madrigal
8.)Tree of Promise by Juliet Shore
9.) Haunted Highways: Spooky Stories, Strange Happenings, and Supernatural Sightings by Tom Ogden


1.) Old Nathan by David Drake
2.) Clockwork Fairies by Cat Rambo (Short Story)
3.) Ghost Hedgehog by Nina Kiriki Hoffman (Short Story)


1.) Ship Breaker by Ship Breaker
2.) The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi
3.) The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron
4.) The Spirit Rebellion by Rachel Aaron
5.) The Spirit Eater by Rachel Aaron

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