18 August, 2014

Bout of Books 11 Read a Thon Goals

Bout of Books

I sort of forgot about this blog last semester due to the amount of work I had to do. I will be starting my final semester of classes next week, before student teaching in the spring. So, I have a chance to sit down and read this round of the Bout of Books Read a Thon. So Yes! I will participate this time :)

Here are my goals:

Time Devoted to Reading
  • As this is my last week before classes I will be reading as much as I can all week. I do have one day of training to attend so may only get commute time reading done that day.

My Goals

  • Read down some of the bookcrossing registered book pile both books from other members shelves as well as my own.

Books to Read

  • The list is undecided at the moment. I plan on starting with Tula Station by  David Toscana which I have about 100 pages left in then go onto Dragon Moon by Rebecca York (new read) and finish 

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