01 February, 2015

Bingo Challenge Update:

Read in January:

A Book you Read as a TeenagerDragondrums I devoured every book I could get my hands on written by Anne McCaffrey when I was in High School. I ended 2014 and started 2015 by revisiting the Pern series, focusing on the books in the ninth Pass time frame. Finished 1/2/2015.

A Book that was Given to you as a Present: Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. I received this during an EME swap on the bookobsessed boards (I also received book 3 as a gift). This series was started after picking up book 1 in a Chicago area Little Free Library. Finished 1/12/2015

An Audio Book – I personally listen to quite a few audio books during the year. The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss is also read by the author. This was an incredibly sweet novella that delves into the life of one of the side characters from The Name of the Wind Auri. finished 1/19/2015

An Award Winning Book:  Black Wine by Candas Jane Dorsey won both the AFA William L. Crawford Fantasy Award, and the  James Tiptree Jr. Award in 1997. Finished 1/21/2015.

A Book With a Red Cover: Flowers for Mei-Ling by 

Final tally: 1/4  of the Bingo card filled.

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