13 May, 2015

Bout of Books Day Three

           Bout of Books

I will be running errands today. I shall be grabbing a different book to tote along on the bus as the Lillith's Brood anthology is larger than I want to carry with me. 

Books Reading:

On the bus I listened to an hour of Sucubus on Top

On my trip home my IPod's battery was dead so I started The Dispossessed by Ursala K. le Guin. This is much more what I want to read right now so I am going to set aside Lilith's Brood for now and focus on this story. 


  1. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Lilith's Brood, but The Dispossessed is an AWESOME book. Another book that this brings to mind is The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. But don't start reading it unless you have Children of God available to start reading the minute you finish The Sparrow.

    I hope you are having a great Bout of Books.

  2. I don't hate Lilith's Brood but I think it's slow set up is more suited for short bursts of nighttime reading not sitting and reading all at once.

    I had someone stop me on the train yesterday to Say that The Dispossessed was a fantastic book. That doesn't happen very often anymore :)
