04 June, 2015

Little free Library #13597

I have been in love with the idea of Little Free Libraries since I first read abut the movement. A few have popped up in the Chicagoland area(which includes suburbs). I thought that I would showcase some of the ones that I have visited over the last two years.

Little Free Library #13597
1119 Oakton Street
Evanston, IL
United States

Little Free Library #13597 is located in south Evanston, IL. It is a small library composed of a 12" x 12" x 12" cube. It holds a variety of books most times. Because it is located across from an elementary school in a neighborhood with many families, the children's books seem to go faster than the adult books. I visit this LFL quite a bit as it's nearby and there is a fantastic variety of both children's and adults books being offered in it.

The stewards of the LFL said this about their library:

"While visiting Minneapolis, we saw many Little Libraries as we walked in the neighborhoods. Back in Evanston, we attended a fundraiser at the Evanston Rebuilding Exchange where many builders had built Little Libraries to be auctioned off. We were thrilled to be able to very quickly get a beautiful Library in our front yard. We have begun culling some of the many books in our own bookshelves but people add and subtract stock every week. It's great!"

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