25 June, 2015

Little Free Library #13614

I have been in love with the idea of Little Free Libraries since I first read abut the movement. A few have popped up in the Chicagoland area(which includes suburbs). I thought that I would showcase some of the ones that I have visited over the last two years.

Little Free Library #13614

734 Wesley Ave

Evanston, IL

United States

This Little Free Library is also located in the southern portion of Evanston, IL. It is located between Oakton ave. and Main street on Wesley ave. It is a fairly large library which looks like a yellow house/ The front swings open and there are two shelves inside. The bottom shelf is dedicated to children's and young adult books and the upper shelf is adult books. On my last visit, both shelves were very full and there was a nice variety of books on offer.

This reminded me of a dolls house full of books. It made me smile as i rode up to it to drop books off on my way to class.

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