18 August, 2015

Bout of Books 14 Day 2

             Bout of Books
In Progress:

  1.  Double Whammy by Carl Hiassen
  2. Stealing Home (Diamonds and Dugouts #1) by Jennifer Seasons


  1.  The Rockin' Chair by Stephen Manchester


  1. *waves* Hello! Glad to see you doing Bout of Books with us! Have a great week and I'll peek in on you again later on!

  2. I decided to read what ever I am in the mood for this round rather than trying to stick with the bookcrossing TBR pile. So if I decide to read a bunch of free romance novels that have been sitting on my nook, or a buch of graphic novels I'm going to enjoy it :)

  3. Indeed, Nim! I signed up for the summer-long COYER (Clear Out Your E-Reader) event, but I cannot stay away from the library. So even though I'm getting eBooks, they don't count toward the COYER challenge.

    My favorite thing about Bout-of-Books is the "social" aspect. So I'm cheering you along no matter what you choose to read!
