09 August, 2016

Happy National Book Lovers Day!

Here in the USA August 9 is National Book Lovers Day. Celebrate by diving into a good book or sharing a book with someone you know!

I have run across a few new little free libraries over the summer while riding around for errands and exercise. I haven't done any little free library spotlights in a while so I thought for National Book Lover's Day I could showcase a few of them.  If you are in the Evanston  or the Chicago area feel free to check it out and add some books :)

This Little Free Library is charter 40602. It is located in the Roger's Park neighborhood of Chicago. It has three shelves, one over sized that is perfect for children's picture books. It has a nice mix of children's and adults books inside.

 This little free library is charter number 29496. It is located in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. It is at 7043 N. Glennwood which is also a play lot. The library is an old bookshelf that has been converted with a door and a roof and has four or five shelves of books that are a mix of books any family member would enjoy reading from kids to adults.

This Little Free Library is Charter number 39889. It is located at 1431 W. Fargo ave. In the Roger's Park neighborhood of Chicago. The stewards want their little free library to encourage children of all ages to enjoy reading and encourage people to drop off their favorite children's books. When I stopped by last it had a mix of children's and adult books. 

This Little Free Library is located on the Evanston/Skokie border. It is charter number 26956. It is located at 27 Williamsburg Terrace in Evanston, IL. When I stopped by it had a very healthy mix of fiction and non fiction for adults and children.

 This Little Free Library is charter number 36441 It is located in the middle of the toddler park located at 1125 Dewey in Evanston, IL. The story behind this Little Free Library is inspiring. The money for the library was raised over five years by a group of grandmother's in the neighborhood. It has two shelves inside that are filled with children's and young adult books.

This Little Free Library is charter number 32361. It is located at 813 Crain st. The two little cabinets that make up this little free library each hold two rows of books in them. Additionally, there is a nice stone bench next to the little free library perfect for sitting and browsing. I saw a good selection of books good for all age ranges in there, from child to adult.

I saw this little free library on my bike ride home from a job interview yesterday. It does not have an official little free library  charter plaque or charter number and does not show up on their map. However I thought that this stained glass fronted cabinet  with it's Book proclamation on the top  was super cute. The books inside of it when I stopped were mostly children's books with a bunch of classic Nancy Drew titles that made me smile as I devoured those as a kid.  This little free library sits at the base of the porch stairs at 1204 Noyes street in Evanston, IL. 

I will be spending national book lover's day listening to my audiobook copy of The luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan Vreeland.

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