28 August, 2017

Bout of Books 20 Day 7 and wrap up!

Bout of Books

Much of the morning and early afternoon were spent playing West of Loathing and relaxing. I did read one more book to it's finish and got started on another that I didn't complete.

Currently Reading:

Cold Flat Junction by Martha Grimes (read 150 pages)
Shadow of Victory by David Webber (listened 2 hours)

Books Finished:

Remember Me? By Sophia Kinsela

Final wrap up:

I ended up reading nine books to finish and got well into 2 others. The audiobook is a long one and I think it will take Elengil and I another week or so to finish if we listen a bit every evening together.

Books Finished:

Pioneers Woman by Ree Drumond
Confessions of a Closet Catholic by 
Marvel graphic novel: Champions, Volume 1 Change the World (reread)
6 Rainier Drive by Debbie McComber 
Home in Seattle: The Playboy and the Widow\Fallen Angel by Debbie McComber
The Kagonesti by Douglas Niles
The Secrets of Cranberry Beach by Ted Murphy 
The Long Secret by Louise Fitzhugh
Remember Me? By Sophia Kinsela

Books read during the Read a thon but not finished: 

Cold Flat Junction by Martha Grimes (read 150 pages)
Shadow of Victory by David Webber (listened to about 8 hours this week)

I'm going to end this with a picture to show the box I was pulling from during this Read a Thon
Day 1: Hopeful, books in my TBR Bookbox #insixwords, #boutofbooks  Day 7: A slightly less full TBR box. #boutofbooks

Though I just took some books off my desk and put them in the box, so it looks full again :/


  1. Nine books?! Send some of that reading skill my way haha ;)

  2. I was just lucky that I had the week off and no big plans :)

    It also helped that three of those were short childrens chapter books/graphic novels
