23 August, 2017

Bout of Books 20 Day 3

Bout of Books

Today I finished:

6 Rainier Drive by Debbie McComber (read pages 117 - 475 pages)

What I thought of this book: When I picked this up I don't think I knew it was part of a series. So, rather than finding the contemporary romance I expected I felt like I was plunked down in the middle of a long running soap opera series. The writing was good, the mystery of who burned down the Lighthouse restaurant was interesting. However there were so many characters and side stories going on that I had a hard time keeping track of who was who.  

Books Started:

Home in Seattle: The Playboy and the Widow\Fallen Angel by Debbie McComber (Read 115 pages)

Elengil and I listened to about 20 minuites of Shadows of Victory by David Webber tonight as well.


  1. Looks like you're on a reading streak!

  2. Thanks for the cheering! I'm taking advantage of my last week before the new job starts to sit and read as much as I can.
