08 January, 2018

Bout of Books 21 - Reading List & Progress

Bout of Books has started! This year, unlike other years I am working while the read a thon is going on. So my reading will be constrained to my morning commute, my break and evening reading will most likely be listening to the audiobook my husband and I are listening to together.

Reading List (at the start of the read-a-thon):
  • Cold Flat Junction by Martha Grimes - I am starting the read a thon with a book I started last October and then set aside where it got buried under junk on my dining room table
  • The Kingmakers by Clay and Susan Griffith Book 3 in the Vampire Empire series - steampunky vampire series that elengil and I are listening to.
  •  Thirty Million Words Building a Child's Brain by Dana Suskind, MD - Reading for work
Books in Progress:

Introduce Yourself in 6 words challenge:

Geeky, Teacher, Gamer, Wife, Loves Reading. #boutofbooks #insixwords

Reading Progress:

1/8/2018 Day 1:

  • I read about 50 pages of Cold Flat Junction (I forgot to record where I started reading so this is a guesstimate).
1/9/2018 Day 2:
  • I read another 50 pages of Cold Flat Junction, and am now past the halfway mark on the book.
  • I also picked up a graphic novel which I completed reading:
    • Crossing Midnight: Cut Here Vol. 1 by by Mike Carey 
1/10/2018 Day 3:
  • Set down Cold Flat Junction again. The mystery is good. However I'm having a hard time letting the plot grab me.
  • Picked up The Christmas Wish by Nora Robert - have read 287 pages so far.
1/11/2018 Day 4:
  • I finished reading The Christmas Wish this morning. I'm going back to Cold Flat Junction for my commute reading this morning.
  • Today was a trip to the Kohl's Children's museum with the three toddler classrooms. I'm  pooped! no reading got done this evening.
1/12/2018 Day 5:

  •  I forgot to grab my book this morning. My nook was still in my bag from last week. So I started reading The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy. I was so entranced by it that I was enthralled during my lunch break reading and finished it this evening.
1/13/2018 Day 6:

  • I had a professional development today so spent the day at the Chicago Botanical Gardens. it was sunny but cold! We took a nature walk and found coyote scat and deer tracks in the mud ;P not much physical reading today outside the class, but Elengil and I have spent the evening listening to The Kingmakers by Clay & Susan Griffith. 
1/14/2018 Day 7:

Books Completed:
Finished on 1/12/2018
Finished on 1/11/2018
Finished on 1/9/2018

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