05 January, 2019

Bout of Books 24 Reading List and Update page

Bout of Books

I am planning on reading the following this round:

The Book of Rack the Healer by Zach Hughes - Commute/break reading
The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm edited by Terri Windling & Ellen Daltow - Home reading
The Only Pirate at the Party by Lindsey Stirling & Brooke S. Passey - Home Reading
Metal Swarm by Kevin J. Anderson - Audiobook that I am listening to with Elengil currently.

Day 1:

I actually started the Read a thon with a book not on my above reading list. I thought I would be finished with the ebook I was reading when I made my planned list. Instead, I was about 130 pages into it, with another 110 or so to finish reading.

Don't Call Me Cupcake by Tara Sheets - Finished reading
The Faery Reel - This is an anthology I have been reading for a couple weeks. It's large and heavy which disqualify it for commute reading. But it is excellent for short reading moments in the evening. Today I read 3 short stories and a poem from it. probably about 80 pages read total.
Metal Swarm - Elengil and I listened to maybe an hour of this today.

Day 2:

Due to an unexpected and unplanned trip to the urgent care and a sick day off of work due to a rotovirus and a wonky stomach I got a lot of reading and sleeping done today. Fun Fact, having to take public transportation and walking a half mile when your stomach is wonky is no fun.

The Only Pirate at the Party - I loved this. I have been listening to Lindsey's music since before her first album came out and really enjoyed her autobiography. I knew she was a youtube content maker when youtube was fairly new but didn't know she had been on and voted off of America's Got Talent. This was a fairly quick read especially since I was held hostage to bus arrivals and waiting rooms. -Finished Reading.

The Faery Reel - Read one excellent story in this anthology.  It was around 35 pages.


Back to work and I have parent conference paperwork to catch up on, so not sure what reading will get done.

Elengil and I listened to two hours of Metal Swarm last night, but not much reading got done 
otherwise today.

Day 4:

Very little reading at all today. I was busy busy busy. I started The Book of Rack the Healer on the train home, not sure I'm going to enjoy this one. It is very odd in the little I have read so far. When I got home I vegged out to The Great British Baking Show: Beginnings.

Day 5:

I finished The Faery Reel tonight. Only had two short stories left in it to finish. This was an amazing collection, that I don't understand how it ended up sitting on my TBR pile for so long (I got it from another bookcrossing member in 2013!)

Day 6:

I picked up my nook today while taking breaks from work paperwork. I read Ride Me by Rebecca Brooke which is the second book in the Jaded Ivory series. I haven't read the first book, but I liked the character Mari a lot, and book 1 is her story so I will be picking it up at some point. Elengil and I listened to a little more of Metal Swarm tonight. We are a little bit over halfway done with the audiobook. Which means we still have seven plus hours to listen to.

Day 7:

I picked up a reread of a book I loved years ago when I read it last. I read The Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones. This is the sequel to Howl's moving Castle which is one of my favorite books of hers. This is a bookcrossing copy that I wanted to read before I left it in the little free library in front of the magnet school just South of the 0-5 program I work at.

I also read the Graphic Novel Tank Girl One which was one of the books I received for this past Christmas. I was reading the Dark Horse comics in the 90's so it was fun to read these in the original black and white format.

Not sure I will get any more reading done today as I have some more work paperwork to finish up this afternoon.

Finished Reading:

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