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08 January, 2021

Bout Of Books 30 Update Post


Here is where I am keeping track of my Bout of Books 30 progress

Planned Reading:


Books I Finished Reading:

Day 1:

Not much reading here today. I got sidetracked by a show on Netflix. But I did read the first two chapters of  Lost Truth (about 18 pages)

Day 2: 

Today Elengil and I listened to  about two hours of our audiobook A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. We are a little over halfway done. This is the last tome in a fourteen book series which we have been listening to together since October of 2018 

Day 3:

Because of the events today at the capitol, the evening was spent listening to the news and talking with good friends. No escapism into reading for me today.

Day 4:

 Today I read 191 pages of Lost Truth by Dawn Cook. I am really enjoying this so far as it is pulling together storylines from the first three books. Alissa (the main character) has discovered that the lost Masters of the hold are not dead as her teacher believed (He being the only Master left in the hold). She, the minstrel Strell, the warder Lodesh, and fellow master Connen-Neute travel overseas to find the missing mages. 

At my stopping  point tonight the lost colony has been found, The leader of the colony has decided Alissa's training  was to be her job, despite Alissa having had training from the remaining master of the hold Talo-Toecan. There is some of the love triangle storyline between Alissa, Strell and Lodesh starting to be resolved.

Day 5:

Read three chapters of Lost Truth this morning before work. Read another two chapters during a break. I have a little over a hundred pages left in the book, so should finish it tonight.

Update: After work I finished Lost Truth.

Day 6:

 This morning I picked up Sunrise Point by Robyn Carr. I have read 300 pages so far.

This evening, Elengil and I listened to  an hour and a half of A memory of Light together.

Day 7:

 I finished Sunrise Point early this morning. I really enjoyed this book. Instead of the instant attraction which occurs in many romances there is some attraction between the two romantic lead characters. However, we witness them becoming friends first, then lovers. This was a really nice change of pace. As always, I'm reading this series out of order, so it's nice that this stood well on it's own but still pulled in characters and storylines from earlier books.

I picked up this collection of essays on mental health. It has been on my TBR list for a couple years now, and I plan on leaving this in a local little free library as it is very powerful insight into some of the many nooks and crannies  of mental illnesses. I'm only about halfway done, but it has been very very moving so far.


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