29 September, 2009

Fall Shelf Cleaning Giveaway Winners!

I would like to announce the winners of the books that I had up for grabs in my fall shelf cleaning giveaway.

Lighthouses of the Golden State won by Jo
The Ten Year Nap won by Amanda Sue
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman(Two copies available)won by: Marie & Mel010100
The House on the Shore won by chamonix44
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz won by Avalonne83
Lake Wobegon Days won by Racheal
Leaving Home: A collection of Lake Wobegon Stories won by Popper
The Price of Pride by Donna MacQuigg (autographed copy) Stays in my giveaway box for a future giveaway as no one entered for it this time around :)

I want to thank everyone who entered the contest. I wish I had enough copies of these books to send everyone a book. Those that won, look for an email or pm from me in the next day or two regarding your win.


  1. Thank you! I shall be happy to receive "The House on the Shore"

    from chamonix44

  2. Thanks, Nim! I'm looking forward to reading that one!

  3. Hey, babe. I'm trying to reach you; I can't remember how many copies of Demo Tapes you want and who to autograph them to... drop me a line, okay?
