08 September, 2009

Shelf Clearing Contest

I’ve recently acquired a new bookshelf, and in the process of transferring some of the stored books onto it have decided to cull some of the review and other books I’ve found in the process of unpacking books. These are all read previously. Some have been more gently read than others. All are or will be registered at bookcrossing.com before passing along. I don’t mind if the books go directly into your permanent collection, just please leave the labels inside for the future travels of the books. I would also love to get a journal entry sharing what you thought about the book after you read it. But it’s up to you.

Here are the books I want to pass along. I’ve included links to reviews if I have them, or to the bookcrossing journal page for publisher synopsis information.

Lighthouses of the Golden State: Calafornia's Majestic Beacons by Kent Wymouth

The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer

Castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques (Two copies available)

The House on the Shore by Victoria Howard

The Price of Pride by Donna MacQuigg (autographed copy)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition by L. Frank Baum

Lake Wobegon Days by Garrison Keeler

Leaving Home: A collection of Lake Wobegon Stories by Garrison Keeler

To enter, leave a comment telling me what book you are interested in reading (or books if more than one catches your eye), why you think you might like to read the book(s) and a way of contacting you such as an email address or bookcrossing ID. Since this is such an extensive list, I’m setting the deadline for the giveaway at September 29, 2009. This gives people three weeks to enter, and tell anyone they think might be interested about the contest.

This is open worldwide. Just be warned if you win and live out of North America it may take a little longer to get books sent out depending on finances :)


  1. Hi, Jenny! First of all, thanks for the plug for Win A Book up there!

    Just posted your contest. No need to enter me.

  2. The Ten Year Nap: Although I'm a working mother, I'm currently on maternity leave with my baby girl so am experiencing stay at home motherhood in all its glory. For this reason, I am really interested in reading The 10 Year Nap. I completely understand how you can feel like you've lost your sense of self in your effort to raise your children to know themselves and their purpose.

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  3. I would love to read either of the Garrison Keillor books. I think he's hilarious!


  4. Thank you for the chance to win! I would love to own The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition by L. Frank Baum.

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  5. Oh, I would love to have a chance to read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition! I have never had the chance to read the book before, but I want to very badly - I've only ever seen the movie (which I did enjoy, but still).

    I promise I will leave a journal entry when I'm finished (if I'm the lucky recipient)!


  6. Hello! Found this via BookObsessed :)

    I'm generally really interested in these kinds of giveaways because living in Argentina we don't get many English books 'round here, and as I love reading books without lousy translations, I try my best to find someway to get the originals!

    I really liked the last Keeler book (Leaving Home: A collection of Lake Wobegon Stories), its review just got me really excited about it!

    If shipping costs end up being ridiculous to South America, please just absolutely ignore this entry!


  7. I'd like to be entered for The Ten Year Nap or The House on the Shore. Thanks!


  8. Please enter me in the contest for THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

  9. This is so generous of you - thanks!

    First, my email address is kiwibooklover at gmail dot com

    Could I enter to win The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer or Castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques?

    Re: The Ten Year Nap - In my job just finished, nearly all of our customers were men with stay-at-home wives who never seemed to do anything, and who were often viewed with a kind of indulgence by their husbands. Their attitude REALLY irked me, and started me thinking a lot about being a stay-at-home mother (which I'll probably be myself in a few years). The prospect of having a "ten-year nap" myself is quite chilling, in a way, and I'd love to read a book by an author who does deal with the issue in an interesting, thoughtful way! Basically, the book very much appeals to me. :)

    Re: Brian Jacques - It's Brian Jacques. Need I say more?

    (I'd prefer the Ten Year Nap book, but if someone's already won that then I'd love a chance at the Brian Jacques one.)

    Thanks again for your generosity! :)

  10. Hi,
    I would love to read:
    "The House on the Shore" by Victoria Howard,
    because it sounds like a good book. I read some reviews on it and they said there are descriptions of the Scottish Highlands, and Loch Hourn, and it's a thriller too!
    My bookcrossing name is:


    Well done! I hope you keep up with your blog. I shall look in from time to time. Have bookmarked it!

  11. Hi Nim, Like you,I was not even going to come and look but I wanted to check out your blog and the Brian Jaques book caught my eye. I have read most of the Mossflower books and would enjoy seeing if this series is of interest. I suspect it will be of interest to my daughter, too!

  12. I would love to read either the Castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques because I love anything by Jacques and I have not read this yet or The House on the Shore by Victoria Howard because it sounds like a great read!


  13. I'd like to enter for the Garrison Keelors book and for the Light Houses of the Golden State.

    I am interested in the Garrison Keelor books - I was given one of his books as a birthday present. My mothers best friend is originally from the US and is a relative of Garrison's. I can't remember now if he is her brother-in-law or cousin. But when I saw his name I thought - perhaps there is some kind of fate aspect going on here.

    I am interested in the lighthouse book because I have a general interest in lighthouses and the front cover looks magnificient. You'll find me on Bookcrossing as 'Dancesports'.

  14. I would like to win The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition by L. Frank Baum because I love books about fantasy.


  15. I want The House on the Shore by Victoria Howard because this book looks great! Thank you!


  16. I am interested in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition by L. Frank Baum because the story seems great!


  17. I would love to read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Centenary Edition by L. Frank Baum because it wis my fauvorite story of all times.


  18. I wolud like to inThe House on the Shore by Victoria Howard because I liked the synopse.


  19. Please enter me for The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer because I read nice reviews about this book.


  20. Enter for The Price of Pride by Donna MacQuigg please I love this writer.


  21. Please count me in for The House on the Shore by Victoria Howard cause I am waiting for read this for so long...

  22. I would like to read The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer cause a friend recomended this book to me.


  23. I want The Price of Pride by Donna MacQuigg because is an autographed copy!


  24. I would like The Price of Pride by Donna MacQuigg because many people told that this book is very good.
