23 August, 2013

Bout of Book Read a Thon Day 5

Bout of Books

My goals for this read a thon can be found over here.

Slow start today. I'm having a rough time concentrating on The Imperator Plot, So may take a Break we'll see.

Ok, there are pros and cons to having a friends of the library sponsored take a book/leave a book shelf nearby.

Pros: :* A convenient place to release books I have read that I don't plan on keeping.
         * Located in a great local coffee shop with friendly staff and comfortable seating, and yummy drinks and snacks.
Cons: * I can never leave books without finding one or more books I am interested in reading
          * I seem to always find parts of series case in point. Today there was an ARC for the newest Jacky Faber (Bloody Jack) book which is released next month. I haven't read all of the books (I stopped at book 6 this is book 12) I know, I could probably read this without the prior 5 books, but i'm also a complete-ist.

I also picked up:Clockwork princess by Casandra Clare of which I also am missing books in the series.

I have a feeling a trip to the library will be in the plans once I figure out how crazy my coursework will be next week.

Currently Reading:

breaking at page 50, and trying something else. I usually love this type of sci-fi mystery but today I'm just not in the mood.

The Voyage of the Narwal by Andrea Barrett

- I am stopping on page 100 for the night .

Listened to 30 min of Imager's Intruigue by L. E. Modessit Jr.

Books Finished Today:

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