24 August, 2013

Bout of Books Read a Thon day 6

         Bout of Books

       My goals for this read a thon can be found over here.

Not sure how much reading will get done as Saturdays are usually hectic. Will hopefully finish the audio we have been listening to all week.

Currently Reading:

The Voyage of the Narwhale - stopped at  167 (67 pages read today).

Books finished Today:

Imager's Intrigue by L.e. Modessit Jr. 


  1. I always seem to read less on the weekends, despite what you would think! I don't think I'll probably make the goals I've set, I took longer on my first book than I thought I would, but I enjoyed it.

    I'm enjoying Agent to the Stars, not sure if that's because Wil is reading it. It's fun, if you liked his others, I think you'll like this one too. I'm going to put it in the same tier as Android's Dream.

  2. I totally understand, Saturdays are usually our hectic day of the week here. I didn't set any page number or book number goals for myself. Just that I planned to use this time to work on my own registered books from my bookcrossing TBR shelves. I think I did well with that. I've finished four books from the list I had wanted to focus on.

    I'm glad to hear Agent to the Stars is good. I enjoyed Androids Dream a lot, Elengil found it a bit silly at times.
