19 August, 2013

Bout of Books Read a Thon Day 1

Bout of Books
So, a bit of a later start than intended for setting up this post.

Today is Monday: Day one of the Read a Thon.

My goals for this read a thon can be found over here.

I am starting the day reading:

Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik
. - this is the fourth book in a series I have been reading all summer. I'm finding it a little hard to get into, as I have been in a short story mode for the last week or so.

Update: 6:30PM Read to page 275, and am now listening to Imager's Intrigue: The Third Book of the Imager Portfolio by L. E. Modesitt Jr. with Elengil.
Update: Finished reading Empire of Ivory & listened to 7 chapters of Imager's Intruige

Books Read:

Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik Finished
Imager's Intrigue: The Third Book of the Imager Portfolio by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

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