20 August, 2013

Bout of Books Read a Thon Day 2

Bout of Books
Day 2 of the Bout of Books Read a Thon.

My goals for this read a thon can be found over here.

Elengil has the day off work, so we listened to our audiobook and relaxed most of the day.

Currently reading:

Listening to the audio of Imager's Intrigue by l.e. Modessit Jr. - listened to 9 hours (all of part 2 and most of part 3). We have 2 1/2 hours left in the book.

White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz - broke at page 58 for the night. 

Books Finished:

None today.


  1. Hiya! What do you think of Imager's Intrigue? I've only ever read the first Spellsong book by Modesitt, but the Imager books look good too! I'll be hosting a challenge on Friday that I hope everyone enjoys, I'm kind of nervous about it! Hope to see you there, good luck this week and enjoy your reading! :D

  2. I'm enjoying the series quite a bit actually. Elengil and I are always on the lookout for fantasy books with unique magic systems since there are so many fantasy books that just all seem the same. This has fit that unique magic ideal. It is also a very detailed world with quite a bit of focus into the politics and religions that impact events in society.

    Plus, the reader does a very good job with these books.
