21 August, 2013

Bout of Books Read a Thon Day 3

Bout of Books

My goals for this read a thon can be found over here.

Wednesday already. My sister is coming over tonight to hang out and play video games, so I expect my reading to be just during the day today

Currently Reading:

Sizzle and Burn by Jayne Ann Krentz. - Stopped with 50 pages read today.

Books Finished Today:
* White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz.


  1. 50paghes isn't bad ^^ i still haven't read as much today ( fortunately the day isn't finished yet)

  2. I don't feel too bad about only getting 50 pages i the the current read yesterday as I also finished White Lies which was abou 200 pages read earlier in the day. Today has been kind of slow it's hot and rainy and I just keep getting sidetracked from my book...
