04 February, 2015

Book Review: The Supernaturalists by Patrick Neighly and Jorge Heufemann (Illustrator)

Slinky vampire horror in the Roaring Twenties! Human detective Edgar Drake races to solve an impossible murder in 1926 Manhattan. The bodies all bear the same wound - two puncture holes in the neck and lots of blood around the body. However, when Drake meets Esme an undead flapper, he learns that that evidence is not what a vampire's bite would look like. As Drake and Esme work together to find the real killer, all signs point to a conspiracy that cuts close to home.

I wanted to love this this book, instead I found I enjoyed it but felt it could be better.

The story was interesting. Set during the roaring 20's with its speakeasies and secret societies there is a serial killer on the loose. The identifying mark of the victims are a two holes in the neck, and a copious amount of blood. We follow the detective investigating the cases through different areas of Manhattan, and different levels of society. 

However, I did not care for the artwork in this graphic novel at all. The black and white style is done in a way that feels like it is supposed to capture a noir feeling. However, especially at the beginning I found it hard to keep characters separated. After the gorgeous colors used in Subatomic I was let down by this book.

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