01 March, 2015

Bingo Challenge Update

Read in February:

The Golem and the JinniA Book by a Debut Author: The Golem and the Djinni by Helene Wrecker. This is the author's debut book. It was originally published in 2013. I finished it on 2/2/2015.

A Book That Made you Laugh Out Loud: I may be cheating by putting two books here. But, they are The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear both by Patrick Rothfuss. These were both rereads for me. My partner mentioned that because we have read/listened to a lot of fantasy in the last few years he was starting to mix up the magic events from several different  stories and wanted to reread the Kingkiller Chronicles. Book one had parts that made me laugh out loud  several times. Book two had me laughing out loud on the CTA as I listened to it while riding home. This is a quote from the part of the book that had me laughing hard enough that another passenger looked up from his paper.

The following conversation takes place between Kvothe and Auri:

"I was looking at the lightning." She said, sniffling. Then, "I saw on that looked like a tree." 

"what was in the lightning?" I asked softly.
"Galavanic ionization." she said. Then after a pause, she added. "and river ice,and the sway a cat tail makes."

I had forgotten how much I love this series until I read the Slow Regard of Silent Things at the start of the year. I'm super glad that I had a chance to reread (or listen again in this case). These were finished on 2/7/2015 and 2/13/2015 respectively.

A Book of Short Stories: Bobcat and Other Stories by Rebecca Lee. I received this as an extra ARC in one of the Indiespensable packages from Powell's books. Looks like it was instalment #40 back in June of 2013. It took me awhile to read this because I would read a story or two then set the book aside to savor what I had read only to misplace the book or get sidetracked by other reading. I really enjoyed these stories which makes me wonder why I kapt setting the book aside rather than reving through it like I usually tend to do. Book was finished on 2/7/2015

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