10 May, 2016

Bout of Books Day 2

Bout of Books

Today I read a few ebooks.

Finished Today:

The Wildflowers of Montana volume 1 Rose by Vannesa Vale

In Progress:

 The Wildflowers of Montana Hyacinth by Vanessa Vale - The first 10 pages and I have to re download the book. 
A Feral Darkness by Diranna Durgin - 72 pages of 245. 
Deadpool Vol. 1 Dead Presidents - 75 pages of 155. 


  1. Hello! Dropping by the see how you're doing! I picked up A Feral Darkness too the other day, how is it?

    1. I really enjoyed it. It was a nice urbanish fantasy set in the modern world.

      I'm planning on picking up the short story the author wrote with the characters from this one in it.
