09 May, 2016

Bout of Books day 1

Bout of Books

I didn't think I would get much reading done today as most of the day was taken up with graduation. Traveling to pick up the relatives we were driving down. Travel time down to the UIC Pavilion where my  University was holding the ceremony. A 2 hour wait time that would have been perfect for reading except my nook was too big to have with me as we couldn't have any purses or bags with us on the floor of the pavilion for safety sake. 

However, when I got home, I was able to read a bit. I finished up the last 40 pages of Finding my Prince Charming by J. S. Cooper. I think that I got this as a freebie on the Barnes &  Noble site.  I didn't care for it that much. I liked the idea of the story being told from both the main character Lola's viewpoint and the love interest Xavier's viewpoint. However the back and forth between her point of view and his view was a bit jarring to me as a reader.

Finding my Prince Charming by J.S. Cooper

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