14 May, 2019

Bout of Books 25 updates

This round will be interesting, I have several days off and the rest of the week will be combined  with reading on my breaks and after dinner is made/housework done.

Day 1: Today I have to stay at home to wait for a technician to come with my new CPAP machine. So lots of chances to get some reading done today.

A bunch of articles on gender awareness for a class tomorrow evening.

Started/In Progress:
Day 2: Today rather than sitting in a waiting room while my mom is in surgery, I'm at work. I left my copy of Secret Wars at home so pulled the book in my work bag out during lunch. Also I have a class until late so I only see a little of audio book listening on the way home tonight.

Started/In Progress:

China Dolls - Read at Work
Secret Vows - at home possibly before bedtime reading
Artemis - Audiobook that Elengil and I are listening to together.

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