20 August, 2019

Bout of Books 26

Bout of Books

I had planned on sitting this round out as this week is crazy with professional development days and the fact that I am in a bit of a reading slump at the moment.  However, I pulled  something in my back and have to take it easy. So I'm signing up for the read a thon  anyways. I know I won't get a ton of reading done Thursday or Friday due to the professional developments. But I don't think I will be in the classroom tomorrow (year round programs are fun) as I am thinking that picking up babies and chasing toddlers  might make my injury worse.

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01 AM Monday August 19th and runs through Sunday August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is a low pressure read-a-thon. There are challenges, Twitter chats, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional.  For all Bout of Books 26 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - from the Bout of Books team

I'm starting off with 

Swimming Lessons by Mary Alice Monroe
(Don't) Call Me Crazy 33 Voices Start the Conversation About Mental Health.
 Edited by Kelly Jensen

The hubby and I are listening to:

Thrawn: Treason by Timothy Zahn

8/19/19 Day 1:

did not read for the read-a-thon

8/20/19 Day 2: 

Read 100 pages of Swimming Lessons
Read one essay in (Don't) Call Me Crazy
Listened to several hours of Thrawn: Treason in the evening

8/21/19 Day 3:

Finished Swimming Lessons
Finished Thrawn: Treason
Started Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan (audiobook) with Elengil

8/22/19 Day 4:

Listened to Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan (audiobook) with Elengil

8/23/19 Day 5:

Listened to Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan (audiobook) with Elengil

8/24/25 Day 6:

listened to Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan (audiobook)with Elengil
Started Gluten-Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern Read about 100 pages

8/25/19  Day 7:

listened to Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan (audiobook)with Elengil
Still reading  Gluten-Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern

Books Finished:


  1. Sorry to hear about your back. Good luck with your PD's and the first day of school. I'm on medical leave so I missed my PD's and our first day of school. Yesterday was Back to School Night and I had to miss it as well. But hey, health comes first! So I hope you feel better soon!

    Btw, I love how you and your hubby are listening to an audiobook together. :)

  2. Only one day left in the readathon! How are you doing?

  3. Only one day left in the readathon! How are you doing?
